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Lettering without brush

This is my second time doing lettering using only my fingers and nails on a beautiful, carved wooden board. The first time was at Bevitore Restobar during our PinTawa show with Brad Pete on October 1, 2023. I wrote the name of the restaurant on a large canvas as requested by the owner, Cris. I did it while Brad Pete was entertaining the audience with his jokes.

Now, it happened again at Rancho Antigo Restaurant in Talavera on December 27, 2023, owned by my fellow Rotarian, Past President 2019, and Eagles Club member, Kuya Louis Cortez, and Ate Luisa Cortez. It was a challenge for me to letter without using a brush, but I agreed because I knew they would be proud of it. Not because I'm a well-known artist, but because it was done personally by a friend right in front of them while we were having dinner.

For those who will visit and see it, please take a picture with the signage and share it on social media with the hashtag #Amangpintor #RanchoAntigo so I can easily find it.

Aside from that, I also created a small souvenir painting, 10x14 inches, using my palm, fingers, and nails on canvas to serve as a lasting memory of our visit with Rotarian and Kuya Eagle Lloyd Gabriel. It's also a symbol of our support for the new restaurant owned by our brother and sister.

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San Jose City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
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